Malaysia lotus friend’s sharing: My dog being blessed by Namo Amituofo (2021-03-07)


Message from Goh:

Master Jing Ben, recently my dog(Labrado) got sickness, his throat is big so cannot drink water but can eat a bit. He is serious ill, so i follow your video recitation of Namo Amituofo prayers to pray for him. After a few prayers, miracle came out, he can drink now. Is really touching me! My dog feels better now lah, I also open my phone of your prayers to give him listen, he sleep well whole night, his mouth dripping sticky water and now feels better too. I thanks your video prayer I follow to blessed him safety. Namo Amituofo.

Master Jing Ben:
According to ‘Contemplation Sutra’, the light of Amitabha Buddha permeates all worlds, embracing those who recite his name ‘Namo Amituofo’. Namo Amituofo always bless all. May all of us recite ‘Namo Amituofo’ for Goh’s dog as well. (2021-03-07)

翻译 Goh 来讯:


净本法师按语:《观经》言:光明遍照十方世界,念佛众生摄取不舍。阿弥陀佛永远护佑一切。祈愿大众也为 Goh居士的小狗念佛祝福。 (2021年3月7号)


病人业障现 念佛即刻消


疫情期障缘多 无碍弥陀救度