‘Namo Amituofo’ Recitation Eliminated Heavy Karmic Sufferings, Leading to Pure Land Deliverance


Recounted by: Dharma Master Jing Cheng

Recorded by: Dharma Master Jing Ben


🔸Religious Care for a Patient

On 10 April 2018, I was invited to give religious care to Mr Zhuo Guoshun, a patient in the terminal stage of kidney cancer. At that time, Mr Zhuo did not have any religious faith, but only 'worshipped' occasionally just like other ordinary people. He had never heard of Buddhism in his entire life, so naturally, he did not know how to recite ‘Namo Amituofo’. In 2018, Mr Zhuo was very depressed when he learned that he had contracted cancer. When his illness became unbearable, he even had suicidal thoughts, and could be said to have completely lost hope in life. When Mr Zhuo was at his most painful and helpless state, he encountered the unconditional deliverance of the compassionate Amitabha Buddha.

I remember the first time I met Mr Zhuo, he did not believe that the Buddha exists, and was unwilling to recite ‘Namo Amituofo’. He even ‘challenged’ me and said, "Is there really a Buddha? If Amitabha Buddha really exists and has the ability to save me, then just help me so that I don’t suffer. Only then will I believe that the Buddha really exists!" After hearing what he had said, I made a ‘bet’ with him, “As long as you are willing to recite "Namo Amituofo", Amitabha Buddha will definitely bless you!" (Actually, I did not know where my courage and confidence came from. Anyway, as long as he is willing to recite "Namo Amituofo", I believe that Amitabha Buddha will definitely have a way.) As a result, he began to ‘try’ to recite.

🔸Blessings from random recitations

However, Mr Zhuo did not recite much initially but he just listened to the recitation device at times. In other words, he recited not so consistently. When his body was in pain, he would lose his temper and demand that the recitation device be switched off. His daughter was very worried that her father's way of recitation would be futile, and thus he would be unable to gain rebirth in the Land of Bliss. Although Mr Zhuo gave up on himself, the compassionate Amitabha Buddha never gave up on him. This is because although Mr Zhuo only recited in ‘this way’, his physical pain had been greatly reduced, and his body and mind were in a more comfortable state. This experience had boosted his confidence in ‘Namo Amituofo’ recitation. During this period, Amitabha Buddha even appeared in his dreams to bless and comfort him.

Through Amitabha Buddha's blessings, Mr Zhuo finally believed in the existence of Amitabha Buddha and the Land of Bliss. He thought about the Buddha’s sayings that once reborn in the Land of Bliss, one can be free from old age, sickness and death. Anyone reborn in the Land of Bliss will get eternal life and can still return to the Saha world. So, he later said, "After I go to the Land of Bliss, I will still come back to see my relatives and friends." Subsequently, he started to joyfully recite ‘Namo Amituofo’ every day and waited with ease for Amitabha Buddha to deliver him back to the ‘home’ of the Land of Bliss.

Ever since Mr Zhuo began his recitation, he had become very cheerful. Several times I visited him in the hospital, he even asked me to persuade the patients in the other wards to recite. On one occasion, he even taught, in a very careful manner, several foreign nurses to recite, word by word, ‘Namo Amituofo’. Due to Mr Zhuo's loud voice, everyone in the ward was infected by his enthusiasm, even the medical staff recited along with him. Everyone was amused by him.

🔸Cancer without suffering

Mr Zhuo was a patient in the final phase of cancer (kidney cancer). Normally, such patients will suffer a lot of pain, but Mr Zhuo did not. The doctors and social workers found it even more incredible that even though he did not take medicine or have injections, he did not feel any pain at all.

Moreover, Mr. Zhuo’s buttocks had originally rotted into a big hole, but now, new flesh had grown, the wound had significantly shrunk, and his appetite had also improved. He could eat and sleep, and his spirit was even better than before admission to the hospital. This is really the blessing of Amitabha Buddha’s power, truly inconceivable! I remember one day when I visited Mr Zhuo, I found that his stomach and feet to be obviously swollen. The doctor suspected that the cancer cells had spread to the other parts of his body, causing the swell. However, Mr Zhuo merely calmly told me about his condition. I did not feel his fear or anxiety at all. He has demonstrated to me that a 'Namo Amituofo' reciter who has the protection and blessings of Amitabha Buddha, will have his anxiety and fear of death dissipated once he knows about the remarkability of rebirth in the Pure Land.

🔸Amitabha Buddha about to come

Three days before Mr Zhuo’s deliverance to the Pure Land, he once again dreamed of Amitabha Buddha and said that the Buddha would soon come to receive him. So, the next day, I brought a few volunteers and lotus friends with me to visit him at the hospital. That day was 9th of August, the National Day of Singapore, which was also a public holiday, thus many volunteers came along. Everyone recited 'Namo Amituofo’ with him, besides chatting with him. The atmosphere was joyful. Mr Zhuo was still able to eat and talk as usual and did not look like someone who was about to pass away. A few hours later, he even urged us to go back to rest as it was late and come the next day.

The next day, at 8 o'clock in the morning on 10th of August, I received a call from Mr Zhuo’s daughter who informed me that he was in a coma. We then went to the hospital to recite ‘Namo Amituofo’, but Mr Zhuo just seemed to be sleeping soundly. The next day, at around 8 o'clock in the morning on 11th of August, Mr Zhuo was delivered to the Pure Land peacefully amidst everyone's recitation. He did not show any signs of experiencing pain at all. Leading the lotus friends, we continued “Namo Amituofo” recitation. When the recitation ended, Mr. Zhuo's face was even more good looking and rosier compared to that when he was alive. He was pale during his illness, and even his family members were worried that his face would turn black after he passed away (because he died of cancer after all). However, a few hours after recitation, his face turned rosy, which also comforted his family.

Another noteworthy happening was that Mr Zhuo’s daughter had always hoped that her father’s funeral be conducted using Buddhist rituals, but Mr Zhuo insisted on Taoist rituals from the beginning. However, a few days before his passing, he changed his mind and specifically made it clear to his wife that Buddhist rituals had to be conducted, because he said that he had dreamt of Amitabha Buddha. Since he would be leaving with the Buddha, then Buddhist rituals would be the best. Hence, this can be said to be the blessing of Amitabha Buddha’s power. When encountering with strong causal condition of Amitabha Buddha, everything will become perfect.

Mr Zhuo did not know anything about Buddhism. Initially, he did not believe that the Land of Bliss exists, and he only recited sceptically. But miracles happened in just a few months. He eventually recited and gained rebirth in the Pure Land without any pain or sufferings. Could an old man like Mr Zhuo, who had lain in a hospital bed for a long time, rely on his ‘self-cultivation’ power be delivered to the Pure Land? Obviously not. This is clearly the result of the power of Amitabha Buddha’s great vows and great compassion to embrace and deliver the imperilled sentient beings.

As the Great Master Shandao said, "Amitabha Buddha will come to receive those who recite the Buddha’s name even only three or five times in the last. This is attributed to the power of Amitabha Buddha’s great vows, enabling sentient beings who recite to be reborn in the Pure Land instantly." As long as we recite 'Namo Amituofo', Amitabha Buddha will protect and support us, regardless of how we recite or who we are. Because of the power of Amitabha Buddha's compassionate and profound vows, anyone who recites will certainly and unconditionally be delivered. Today’s sharing of the story of Mr Zhuo Guoshun’s unhindered rebirth in the Pure Land via recitation is a proof of this fact. This story not only brings us great peace of mind and confidence, but it is also a testimony of the truths depicted in the Buddhist texts and by the Dharma Masters.

May all sentient beings recite ‘Namo Amituofo’ and accept the unconditional deliverance of the compassionate Amitabha Buddha. Namo Amituofo!

Recounted by: Dharma Master Jingcheng

Recorded by: Dharma Master Jingben

Recorded on 12 September 2019

念佛化解极重苦 弥陀消业接往生

口述: 净称法师 记录: 净本法师



记得我第一次去见卓先生的时候,他不信有佛,也不愿意念佛,还跟我「挑战」说:「真的有佛吗?如果真的有阿弥陀佛、阿弥陀佛真有本领救我的话,就帮我让我不痛苦,那我就相信真的有佛!」 当时我听了就跟他「打赌」:「只要您肯念『南无阿弥陀佛』,阿弥陀佛一定会加持!」(其实当时我也不知道哪来的勇气敢跟他笃定,反正只要他肯念佛,我就相信阿弥陀佛一定有办法。)就这样他就开始「试试看」念佛了。















净称法师 述

新加坡 净土宗弥陀寺

2019年9月12日 记录



