A Nonagenarian, Half-Believing Yet Attains Rebirth in the Land of Ultimate Bliss | Master Jing Ben
In the Amitabha Sutra, there is a particularly important passage: “If there are people who have already made the vow, who are making the vow now, or who will make the vow in the future, desiring to be born in Amitabha Buddha’s land, all such people will attain non-retrogression from Anuttara-samyak-sambodhi. Whether they have already been born, are being born now, or will be born in that land, so shall they be.”
This section clarifies that those who previously wished to recite the Buddha’s name have already been reborn in the Pure Land; those who wish to recite now can be reborn now; and those who resolve to recite in the future will surely be reborn in the future. This teaching is often referred to as the “Three Vows, Three Births.” Its significance is to tell us that as long as we recite the Buddha’s name, we are certain to be reborn in the Land of Ultimate Bliss.
Master Shandao once said: “ ‘Namo’ signifies taking refuge, and also carries the meaning of aspiration and dedication; ‘Amitabha Buddha’ represents the practice. Because of this principle, we are certain to attain rebirth.”
In other words, the name “Namo Amitabha Buddha” already encompasses faith, aspiration, and practice. “Namo” contains both faith and the vow (aspiration), while “Amitabha Buddha” signifies the practice. Since the name itself perfectly embodies faith, vow, and practice, one is guaranteed rebirth in the Pure Land whenever one recites. As the ancient masters proclaimed, “If ten recite, ten will be reborn; if a hundred recite, a hundred will be reborn; if ten thousand recite, all ten thousand will be reborn.” Such statements are based on the Sutra’s teaching of “Three Vows, Three Births.”
Some people mistakenly believe that out of ten thousand people who recite the Buddha’s name, only one or two may succeed. However, this clearly contradicts the “Three Vows, Three Births” taught in the Amitabha Sutra. The Buddha explicitly points out that rebirth through reciting the Buddha’s name is “100% certain,” leaving no room for the idea that only a few can succeed. An ancient image vividly portrays Amitabha Buddha pulling sentient beings from the front, Guanyin Bodhisattva pushing them from behind, and Mahasthamaprapta Bodhisattva cheering from the side—all three working together, lest anyone fall behind. This demonstrates the immense compassion and profound vow-power of Amitabha Buddha, truly beyond ordinary comprehension.
Even more moving is the fact that, for sentient beings whose faith is unstable—who remain half-believing, half-doubting—Amitabha Buddha still does not abandon them, as long as they are willing to recite. He continues to care for and guide them. Many true stories of rebirth attest to this.
A news report in Taiwan once told such a story: A 92-year-old man was terminally ill and had never encountered Buddhism before. Sensing his grandfather’s time was near, the grandson introduced him to Amitabha Buddha and taught him to recite the Buddha’s name. Initially, the old man had only a vague understanding of the Pure Land and recited somewhat half-heartedly.
Not long after, however, the old man suddenly appeared calm and placed his palms together. Seeing this, the family inquired, and he said, “Amitabha Buddha has come, and this is the second time He has come. I’ve already agreed to go with Him.” Before passing away, he added, “The Land of Ultimate Bliss truly exists—why did no one tell me before?” Thus, although this man had not practiced Buddhism in his 90-plus years, when he finally began to recite the Buddha’s name in his final moments, he was still able to attain rebirth in the Pure Land.
What is especially noteworthy is that Amitabha Buddha appeared to receive him once before, but the old man did not agree. Even so, Amitabha Buddha did not give up and came a second time to guide him. This shows Amitabha Buddha’s boundless compassion and tireless resolve to save beings, far beyond any ordinary measure.
As the Amitabha Sutra emphasizes repeatedly: “If there are people who have already made the vow, who are making it now, or will make it in the future, desiring to be born in Amitabha Buddha’s land, all such people will attain non-retrogression from Anuttara-samyak-sambodhi. Whether they have already been born, are being born now, or will be born in that land, so shall they be.”
And in conjunction with Master Shandao’s words: “ ‘Namo’ signifies taking refuge and also aspiration and dedication; ‘Amitabha Buddha’ represents the practice. Because of this principle, we are certain to attain rebirth.”
As long as one is willing to recite the Buddha’s name, one receives Amitabha Buddha’s compassionate aid. Even if one is bedridden or ill and barely knows anything about the Pure Land, as long as one sincerely recites “Namo Amitabha Buddha,” Amitabha will keep guiding and appearing repeatedly, never giving up on any sentient being.
Therefore, whether in the past, present, or future, reciting the Buddha’s name enables one to be reborn in the Pure Land. In summary, anyone who is willing to recite will be saved; no reciter of the Buddha’s name is left behind. Amitabha Buddha’s infinite compassion and vow-power are like a firm yet gentle hand that constantly holds us up. Thus, one can only marvel at how inconceivable this name—“Namo Amitabha Buddha”—truly is, and how boundless and profound Amitabha Buddha’s mercy is.
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|Namo Amitabha Buddha|