Amitabha Sutra - Lecture 01:The Buddhist sutras circulated by all Buddhas

Amitabha Sutra, as Spoken by the Buddha -  Lecture 01:
The Buddhist sutras circulated by all Buddhas

By Master Jingben
净本法师 主讲


 Amitabha Sutra, as Spoken by the Buddha is perhaps the most common sutra among our Buddhist schools. Many people have heard of it, and at the same time is the most important sutra. But some people tend to ignore the literals of the Amitabha Sutra because it seems so easy to them, and even once I heard someone say that the Amitabha Sutra was ‘useless’. This is too pejorative.  Putting the Dharma aside, we are in this world, everything is useful, so how can we say that the Amitabha Sutra is useless? If it does not work, why does Buddha still talk about it? Even the Buddhas of the Ten Directions are circulating it.



We can see that another translation of the Amitabha Sutra is called the ‘Sutra with all Buddhas’ mindful protection《一切诸佛所护念经》’, that is to say, this Amitabha Sutra is protected and circulated by all Buddhas, such as Shakyamuni Buddha, Bhaisajyaguru Buddha and Vairocana Buddha. So, if it does not work, then why is every Buddha protecting and circulating it? If today there is an announcement from president or prime minister, dare we say that it is useless? Of course, the things that the president says and what he tells us is very important. The peerless perfect enlightenment in the Buddhist schools is the Buddha. Now not only did Shakyamuni Buddha speak in India three thousand years ago, but all the Buddhas of the Ten Directions are also introducing Amitabha Buddha. It is as if the leaders of every country in the world are now propagating. Then we can be sure that the ‘Namo Amituofo’ introduced in this Amitabha Sutra is inconceivable. We may not know why yet, but just seeing every Buddha is promoting it, which really makes us dare not loathe this Amitabha Sutra, isn't it? This is the ‘sutra protected by all Buddhas’; do we dare to go against it? Only people who do not have a Buddha in their hearts, or even those who think that they are ‘more superior’ than Buddhas, will look down on the Amitabha Sutra, because all the Buddhas in ten directions have certified that this phrase ‘Namo Amituofo’ is the most remarkable and even so these people still think that it is useless, in other words, then they do not have Buddha in their hearts, which means they believe in their own thoughts, not the Dharma.



I remembered that there was one occasion that, my Master, Venerable Huijing went to the hospital to care for the patients. Some patients saw him being as a monk and immediately invited my Master over. As the saying goes, one only goes to the temple when one is in trouble (无事不登三宝殿).  That is why we ordinary people, are in fact very stubborn and often only will turn to Buddha for help when things go awry. There are some people who believe that‘Buddhism’ is very steeped with superstition and useless, but eventually, when something bad happens or when they are seriously ill, they will then start to look for the Buddha. However, Amitabha Buddha is always compassionate, and whenever needed, Amitabha Buddha will save anyone unconditionally. The monks are often the teachers of the Dharma, and naturally, when Master arrived at the hospital, those sick patients would approach Master for help earnestly.



The first case was an elderly woman in her 70s. She was looking for Master because she said she had not slept for days as she did not dare go to sleep. Every night, as soon as she closed her eyes, she could see two figures with unclear faces, the peculiar thing was that when she opened her eyes, there was nothing, but as soon as she closed her eyes, she could see the two figures again. This was strange, because she only saw the two figures with her eyes closed, and she could not see them when she opened her eyes. She also said that as soon as she closed her eyes, she felt as if a mountain was pressing down on her, which was very suffocating. As soon as she closed her eyes, the two figures appeared, as a result, she was so scared that she did not dare to shut her eyes. Although she was very tired, she still did not dare go to sleep, therefore she felt very agonizing and asked my Master for advice.


For the second case, my Master met another elderly woman in the hospital. But one cannot say that she was an old woman because she was only 40 years old then. It was just that my Master said that she looked like a 60-year-old woman because this person spoke weakly and walked slowly like an old woman, her face was haggard and her eyes were circled with dark rings, the whole person looked lifeless so Master could not really see that she was a 40-year-old person. She said she had not been able to sleep properly for a week, but did not tell my Master the reason of her inability to fall asleep.


Not only that, there was a nurse who was taking care of the patient, coincidentally saw Master and started listening to his conversation, she too shared that she had not been composed in the past few days. So many people were not free from suffering, whether they were sick or well. It was just that this nurse was a bit special, because she was not sick then, but she had dreamt of her deceased husband and ancestors for seven consecutive days. She said, “I dream about them when I go to bed at night, but I do not know what is going on.” She furthermore did not know much about Buddhism. Coincidentally she saw Master, she thought that Master might have a solution to her problem, so she walked towards him and asked for his advice.



What can we do if such things happen? Who will we approach to solve such issues? One was that she could see a lot of things as soon as her eyes were closed; the second one was that she was not able to sleep for seven days; the last one was a loved one who dreamt every day about her deceased relatives. So, who should you call for guidance? Looking for the police? Looking for a lawyer? Find a medium to negotiate with a ‘ghost’? You could not say to the nurse, "You think too much!" She had been like this for several days in a row, and surely it was not caused by overthinking. Overthinking certainly will not cause a person to have insomnia for seven days, it was very unlikely. It is indeed bad karma that cannot be eradicated. Finding a doctor and taking medicine will not cure it too. You see, these patients were already in the hospital. Thus, these inextricable karmic obstacles were to be solved by Amitabha Buddha. Therefore, Master immediately advised them to recite Amitabha Buddha’s name and explained to them, “Amitabha Buddha has great mercy and great compassion to free us from all sufferings and reciting ‘Namo Amituofo’ has the greatest merit, so if you can recite Amitabha Buddha’s name, you will definitely be fine."

各位,如果遇到这种情况,我们能怎么办呢?请问这个问题要找谁呢?一个是眼睛一闭起来就看到很多东西;一个是7天不能睡;最后一位是天天梦到自己过世的亲人。所以现在应该找谁来办呢?找警察吗?找律师吗?找律师跟鬼谈判啊?总不能说:“你想太多了!”这种话我们遇到的时候肯定讲不出来,因为对方是连续好几天都这样,不可能是想太多。想太多想到7天不能睡。这个不大可能。那确实是遇到了自己解不开的业障了。找医生吃药也治不了。你看,这些病人当时还在医院,都还是这样。所以这些解不开的业障,就是要找阿弥陀佛来解决了。所以师父听到,一律马上劝他们念佛,就跟他们说 “阿弥陀佛是大慈大悲救苦救难,念南无阿弥陀佛的功德最大,所以能念佛的话肯定会没事的。”

However, these people were not used to reciting the Buddha’s name. The patients said, "Master, I haven't slept for days, and I don't even have the strength to speak, how can I chant?" The nurse also said, "Master, I'm very busy, I don't have time to chant." Let’s see, if one is sick and don't have the strength to chant but if one is healthy and still don't have time to chant. So, how do we solve the problem? Nevertheless, the Master was very compassionate, and initially said to the patients: "If you can't chant, you can chant it in your heart; if not, I will give you a chanting machine, and you can also put headphones on to listen to the ‘Namo Amituofo’ recitation, which will also be effective.” Master gave the chanting machines to the patients and asked them to put on the headphones and listened to the ‘Namo Amituofo’ recitation. Now that we have a mobile phone, we can directly hear the ‘Namo Amituofo’ recitation 24 hours a day online which is more convenient.

但是,这些人又不习惯念佛。那位病人说:“师父,我现在都好几天没有睡觉了,连讲话都没有力气讲,我怎么念佛呢?” 那个护士也说:“师父啊,我很忙,我没有时间念佛。” 我们看看,生病的就讲没有力气念佛,健康的就讲没有时间念佛。那到底要怎么样呢?但是师父很慈悲,先跟病人说:“不能念佛就心里念;再不行,我给您一个念佛机,插耳机戴在耳朵上听佛号也可以,这样也有效果。” 师父就给那些病人拿念佛机插耳机听佛号。现在我们有手机就更方便了,像我们的网站,用手机上网直接就可以24个小时听到佛号。

Thereafter my Master said to the nurse: "You are healthy, although you may be very busy, no matter how busy you are, you cannot be that busy to spare a minute or two, right?" I'm not asking you to recite for 24 hours, when you wake up in the morning, bow to Amitabha Buddha three times, and recite his name. A string of Buddhist beads will enable you to recite 108 times, and it only takes a few minutes. It takes more than five minutes to brew coffee, so how can there be no time to recite? You can do the chanting while waiting for the coffee to be brewed, and even after the chanting, the coffee is not ready yet. So, you surely can find time to chant.” Upon hearing Master’s explanation, the nurse thought that it made sense.

然后师父又跟护士说:“你现在健健康康的,虽然很忙,但是再忙也不会忙到连一两分钟的时间都没有吧?我又不是叫您出家24个小时念佛。你就先早上起床,给阿弥陀佛顶礼3拜以后,就念一串佛珠108声佛号就可以了。一串佛珠只是108声佛号,也不过几分钟。泡一个咖啡都不止5分钟,哪会没有时间念佛?煮杯咖啡去念佛,念完回来可能咖啡都还没有煮好。所以哪里会忙到这种地步。” 那位护士听了觉得也很有道理。全部讲完,那有没有效果,就看阿弥陀佛安排加持了。


Unexpectedly, the result was astonishing. After the recitation of Amitabha Buddha’s name, the next day, the first old woman in her 70s slept soundly, she did not even wake up until she wet the bed. Wow, wasn’t this amazing? Before chanting, she was too scared to sleep; she dared not shut her eyes but as soon as she recited Amitabha Buddha’s name, she had no problem falling asleep. She rested well.



The other 40-year-old young woman who looked like an old woman in her 60s was also very grateful to Master, because she disclosed that when she put on the headphones listening to the ‘Namo Amituofo’ recitation, she felt very peaceful and fell into a deep sleep before she knew it. She slept for a long time, which happened to be the best good quality sleep after a week of sleepless nights. As a result, she looked really refreshed the next day and she did not look old as before. After having this benefit, this lady went to bed every night with headphones on listening to the chanting of ‘Namo Amituofo’. Magically, it turned out to be a good sleep every day. Thereafter she regained her youthful appearance since she was able to rest and sleep well. After being discharged from the hospital, she immediately invited my Master to her house to enshrine a statue of Amitabha Buddha as she was going to start believing in Buddhism and reciting the Buddha’s name.



As for the last case, the nurse was in a similar situation as the previous lady. Master had encouraged her to recite Amitabha Buddha’s name 108 times before going to bed. Unexpectedly, she recited Amitabha Buddha’s name according to Master’s advice. This was probably the first time in her life that she had recited Amitabha Buddha’s name faithfully, although it was only 108 times. It powerfully instilled faith in her heart and she was starting to accept Amitabha Buddha. As a result, she did not dream about her deceased relatives on that night. Her daily bad dreams of deceased relatives ceased after reciting Amitabha Buddha’s name. Probably Amitabha Buddha had delivered her deceased relatives to his Pure Land. For that reason, she was very grateful to Master for his advice and guidance, and she presented a special gift to thank Master in gratitude.


So, what can we say when we see such realistic examples? Can we still say that recitation of Amitabha Buddha’s name is ‘useless’? Then again, this depends on which aspect, if it is the typical life, food, clothing, housing and transportation, then we can probably solve them ourselves. But when encountering obstacles like these, it is useless to turn to anyone at such time. Only reciting of ‘Namo Amituofo’ is the most effective. Therefore, whether the Amitabha Sutra is useful depends on the circumstances: if some think that Amitabha-Recitation is not helpful to life at all, they have to change their mindset. The ancient said if you do not see far enough and are not prepared, you will definitely encounter obstacles sooner or later (人无远虑,必有近忧). There is another saying: eight or nine out of ten unsatisfactory things in life (人生不如意事十有八九), it is not always smooth sailing. So sometimes do not speak too fast. To directly deny the benefits of recitation of ‘Namo Amituofo’ is too hasty. What's more, the Amitabha Sutra, as Spoken by the Buddha is promoted by all Buddhas, and it is strange if it does not work.


There are many sutras in the Buddhist schools, and we generally say that there are twelve divisions of the Tripitaka. The twelve divisions of the Tripitaka are the categories. If we talk about number of sutras, there should be more than a thousand. Then we ordinary people, even monks, won’t be able to know all the texts. If we do not look them up, we sure will not know. Isn't it? Now who dare say that he knows all the Buddhist sutras. We don't even know how many sutras are available out there, let alone their names.



But this Amitabha Sutra is very special, especially it is so common that even those who do not study Buddhism are inseparable from the Amitabha Sutra. For instance, during the traditional morning and evening sessions in monasteries, the monks must include the reading of the Amitabha Sutra. There are many people who use the Amitabha Sutra as a Buddhist sutra for their daily session. Even if a person has not read it in his whole life, someone at funeral will chant it for him, right?  During the Buddhist funeral, what kind of Buddhist scriptures are usually recited? Normally it is Amitabha Sutra as well as recitation of Amitabha Buddha’s name. So, in terms of fate, the Amitabha Sutra is the most pertinent to us.


Although some Buddhist classics are also very common, such as the Heart Sutra, the Diamond Sutra, etc, which are widely circulated and seem to have a karmic connection with us, the karmic connection is not as strong as the Amitabha Sutra. Why? Because the teachings of other Buddhist sutras are too complex, we cannot understand them, and we also cannot practise them. 



Master Yinguang once said, "Not even one can try or dream to achieve liberation in this lifetime if we study other sutras”. It simply means that it is impossible to achieve this goal in this lifetime. Why? Take the Heart Sutra for example, if we read the Heart Sutra today, can we become Avalokitesvara  Bodhisvattva? Similarly, if we chant the Diamond Sutra today, can we become Shakyamuni Buddha? The answer is a big NO. These sutras will not enable us to attain immediate Buddhahood merely just because we read and chant them. These sutras are Buddhist sutras that are meant to guide sentient beings to achieve Buddhahood based on self-power.



It is like saying we should achieve a level of ‘emptiness’, and hence that there is no birth, old age, illness and death, and that we are completely at ease. Only in this way can we get rid of the shackles of birth, old age, illness, death, and gain great freedom. This is what the Heart Sutra tell us. But can we achieve this level?  How do we feel when the child is disobedient, parents are sick, our work is not going smoothly or during these few years of covid outbreak?  Worried right? So how do we achieve the emptiness state as mentioned in the Heart Sutra? If we realized the state of the Heart Sutra, we would fly directly through the wall: you were at home, and without taking a car, you came over in a flash.


Like in India in ancient times, although Shakyamuni Buddha was spreading the Dharma step by step, this was only a manifestation of the Buddha, and he could not demonstrate his supernatural power casually. But it does not mean that the Buddha does not have such powers. When necessary, the Buddha will still show his supernatural powers. For example, as stated in ‘Contemplation in Buddha of Infinite Life Sutra’, when a queen, Vidishi was imprisoned by her son, she asked Shakyamuni Buddha for help. Shakyamuni Buddha could sense it on the top of the mountain at that time, he disappeared immediately, and appeared in the prison of the palace instantly. This is the realm of true enlightenment of the Heart Sutra and the Diamond Sutra. But what about us ordinary people? Don't talk about supernatural powers, sometimes we can't find anyone after calling for the entire day.



Therefore, today, no matter how familiar we are with the Heart Sutra and the Diamond Sutra, it is never a state that we can realize, and what we learn is still the “things” of the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas, not our own. For example, bank tellers have to count the amount of money daily, but are these their own money?  Definitely not, those money belong to other people.  Learning other great sutras is similar to this, realizing that in the end everything still belongs to Buddha and Bodhisattva, because “we cannot do it and we cannot get it”.  No matter how much we study other great sutras, we will never become a Buddha or Bodhisattva. Who dares to say that after reciting the Heart Sutra and the Diamond Sutra for a lifetime, he will become Shakyamuni Buddha and Avalokiteshvara Bodhisattva? Surely no one dares to say so. That's why Master Yinguang said: "not even one can dream to achieve liberation in this lifetime if we study other sutras," This is really honest.



However, the Amitabha Sutra is different, because it is supported by all the Buddhas. Even if we recite Amitabha Buddha and not knowing anything, Amitabha Buddha and all Buddhas in all directions will come to protect us. It is like if a small child is born disabled, unable to walk and unable to look after himself, he will still be taken care of by his parents. Yes, Amitabha’s name recitation is a very special practice that emphasizes abandoning self-power and embracing the Buddha’s power. This dharma school depends on the power of Buddha, which is different from other sutras that rely on self-power. Great Master of Pure Land Buddhism, Master Tanluan said, if a handicapped person steps on a donkey and cannot ride it, but if he takes a ride on the vehicle of Cakravartī-rāja (Cakravartī-rāja is a sovereign ruler, whose chariot wheels roll everywhere without hindrance), he can ride the void and travel everywhere without any obstacles, that is so-called ‘other’s power’ (如劣夫,跨驴不上. 从转轮王行,便乘虚空,游四天下,无所障碍,如是等名为『他力』). That is the meaning of relying on Buddha’s power.



This is a special feature of the Amitabha Sutra.



Different schools of Buddhism have different methods and requirements. As for others, that's a different approach. Other schools’ method generally requires "faith, understanding, practice, and enlightenment": Faith refers to belief in and respect for the Dharma, understanding refers to the comprehension of the Dharma, practice refers to application of the Dharma, and enlightenment refers to the realization and attainment. If we talk about the Heart Sutra and the Diamond Sutra today, the first step is to first learn to read and understand the Dharma. If you do not understand the scriptures, it will not work out. In fact, even if we can read it, we can't practise it, as what I mentioned earlier on, even if we recite the Heart Sutra for a lifetime, we still can't become a Buddha or Bodhisattva.



But the Amitabha Sutra is different, even if we cannot understand Amitabha Sutra, or cannot read a single word of the sutra, as long as we can recite ‘Namo Amituofo’, that’s sufficient. Some people may ask, is it that simple, just need to recite Amitabha’s name? Yes, it is that easy, just recite his name. The Buddha mentioned in the Amitabha Sutra that exclusive name-recitation (执持名号) is the only requirement.



It's like a child, even if he can't do anything, but as long as he calls daddy every day, dad will be happy and will take care of him for the rest of his life, right? In the same way, as long as we have Amitabha Buddha in our hearts and recognize him as our father. Amitabha Buddha will bless us, and the Buddhas of the Ten Directions will come to protect us. It's that simple.



Those three above mentioned cases just recited Amitabha’s name and immediately reaped the benefits. If Amitabha-name-recitation alone is not enough, how could those people receive the benefits?  Did those patients do anything?  One who was sick to the point of panic, one who had difficulty in falling asleep, and the other one who had nightmare, all of whom had no faith in Amitabha Buddha before. And at that time, if they had contact with other dharma schools, they would not be able to overcome it as they were already sick since these other dharma schools’ practices were complicated. But Amitabha’s name recitation is different, if one cannot chant, listening counts as well, and the result is really remarkable. It's really like the Amitabha Sutra says, buddha-name recitation is the only requirement.



Therefore, in comparison, other Dharma scriptures are so difficult, but the Amitabha Sutra says that chanting of the Buddha’s name is so easy, that is why the great Master Ouyi said that ‘the Amitabha Sutra is the core heart essence of all Buddhas and the most fundamental guide for all Bodhisattvas’. ‘Namo Amituofo’ is the root essence of Buddhas and root guidance of Bodhisattvas. ‘Namo Amituofo’ is all inclusive of Buddhism.



No matter how unfathomable other sutras are it is not as profound as the recitation of ‘Namo Amituofo’. Simply because chanting the Buddha’s name is too easy and wonderful. Not only is it easy to recite, the effect of this simple recitation is the assurance that everyone can achieve full deliverance. Bodhisattvas can attain deliverance, sentient beings also can obtain deliverance, so do those hellish beings. As mentioned earlier on the hospital cases, those sick patients also gained the benefits.



Think about it, for example, for a mother, what is the most troublesome thing for mothers to deal with every day? From what I've seen, one of the most vexing tasks for mothers is preparing meals for the family. Everyone in the family has different preferences, and there are three meals a day, so mothers spend the entire day worrying about this. However, if there is a food today that could satisfy everyone's taste – a kind of food that could please grandparents, parents, siblings, and even younger siblings – do you think mothers would be happy? Of course, she would be delighted. With just one food item, it could cater to the appetites of the whole family, and naturally, she'd be happy not to be bothered anymore.



The same is true of all Buddhas and Bodhisattvas because all Buddhas and Bodhisattvas aspire to deliver all sentient beings. Now that ‘Namo Amituofo’ recitation is so easy and remarkable that everyone can attain liberation, when it comes to core essence of Buddhism, one will definitely choose and spread the recitation of ‘Namo Amituofo’s name to benefit oneself and others instead.



Other dharma schools usually target at only one type of level of beings but chanting the ‘Namo Amituofo’ includes all types of levels of beings (Normally there are three levels of beings in learning Buddhism in summary: upper, middle and lower. Usually in other dharma schools, only high level will succeed, while in Pure Land schools all levels of beings will be delivered by Amitabha Buddha.). Therefore, in Pure Land school, they do not emphasize on the levels of beings since all beings will be delivered regardless of their level. That's why it is said that Amitabha Sutra is ‘the essence of all Buddhas and the guidance of all Bodhisattvas’ practices’.


 * "level of beings 根机" is a Buddhist term that refers to the ability of sentient beings to accept and act on the Dharma, which varies from person to person and from time to time.”

This shows the importance of the Amitabha Sutra, and this is why it is so popular, because it is so simple and amazing, so the Buddhas of the ten directions are propagating it. Other sutras may not have been spoken in other worlds, but the Amitabha Sutra certainly does. What the Buddhas of the Ten Directions have introduced in all Worlds is this Amitabha Sutra, which is protected and supported by all the Buddhas.



Summary 总结

This is the first lecture based on the introduction of the universality and significance of the Amitabha Sutra. The Amitabha Sutra can be said to be the most common Buddhist sutra in the Buddha schools. Fundamentally many Buddha disciples have seen it, after all, this is the Buddhist sutra circulated by the Buddhas in the ten directions, so it can be said to be the most important Buddhist sutra, because if it is not important, why do the Buddhas of the Ten Directions promote it?



The most significant thing on reciting ‘Namo Amituofo’ is the guarantee that those sentient beings that encounter it will obtain deliverance, regardless of the level of oneself. As the saying goes by ancient great master: Equal deliverance to all levels of beings, regardless of whether he or she is intelligent or dull.



In short, there is such a method that not only great practitioners such as enlightened Bodhisattvas can be included, but also sentient beings in the Avici hell, and that is the recitation of ‘Namo Amituofo’. Do think about it, which other Buddhist sutras and other methods have such characteristics? Other Mahayana scriptures require potential root level of Bodhisattvas, and Theravada scriptures require the potential root level of an arhat. These standards are very high, but only chanting ‘Namo Amituofo’ can save even the sentient beings of the Avici hell.


Thus, this is about the importance of Amitabha Sutra in Buddhism to attain deliverance of all beings. So today this lesson is about the emphasis on the characteristics of the universality and importance of the Amitabha Sutra. Namo Amituofo.



(Translated and edited by the Singapore & Malaysia Pure Land School Translation Team)


净土宗法宝简介 [文:净本法师]

