2025年2月3日:【惊醒梦中人】Awakening Those in a Dream


⧉ 今天,将日记的内容交给负责设计的义工莲友处理。没想到,对方正在休息,却被我的来讯声惊醒。义工笑着说:「啊,师父,您这是把弟子从梦中叫醒了。」




























≡ 净本法师记录 ≡

English Translation: 【Awakening Those in a Dream】

Today, I handed over the content of diary to a volunteer practitioner who is in charge of the design. Unexpectedly, my message woke him from his rest. Laughing, he said, “Ah, Master, you’ve awakened your disciple from a dream.”

Hearing this, I was suddenly reminded of a question posed by another practitioner a few days ago: “Master, if we were to put it simply, what is Buddhism?”

At the time, I answered: “Buddhism is a teaching used to awaken us dreamers.”

The sutras say:

“All conditioned phenomena are like dreams, illusions, bubbles, shadows.”

An ancient master once taught:

“Dreamlike illusions—why grasp them?

Let go of gains and losses, right and wrong, all at once.

“In the dream, the six realms are so real,

But upon awakening, the vast universe is empty.”


What is an ordinary being? A person in a dream.

What is a Buddha? One who has awakened from the dream.

What is the Buddhist teaching? It is the method that “awakens those in a dream.”

In technical terms, this is called “enlightenment.”

We live within the cycle of rebirth. All the experiences of this life—and even those from infinite past eons—are like “events in a dream.” Though sentient beings often delight in creating karma, from the Buddha’s perspective, they are deeply pitiable—still engrossed in dreaming, unwittingly creating negative conditions for themselves. Think of a person in a dream who experiences joy because of honors or feels sadness due to misfortune. Isn’t that quite tragic? It’s truly a pity.

Some might feel a sense of “regret” in hearing this, because all their hard work in this lifetime is like “grasping for the moon in water.” Yet, this recognition can also be a good thing. Once you realize you are sleepwalking, you finally have the chance to move toward “awakening.” All of life’s successes and failures, and the so-called eight winds—gain and loss, defamation and praise, honor and ridicule, suffering and joy—are ultimately burdens on the mind. Perhaps now we can gradually let them go and gain a bit more freedom. This is the benefit Buddhism brings to sentient beings.

However, to fully awaken from the grand dream of cyclic existence, we need to go deeper into the faith.

Other paths emphasize relying solely on oneself, attempting to awaken from within the dream.

The Path of Pure Land School, on the other hand, relies on Amitabha Buddha to “knock us awake.”

Which method is easier? Which is harder? Think about it: if you’re in a deep sleep, is it easier to wake up solely by your own awareness, or to be awakened by an external alarm clock? The answer is self-evident.

As Great Master Shandao said:


The Buddhas of the Six Directions extend their tongues in testimony,

To encourage recitation of the Name exclusively, enabling birth in the Pure Land.

Once reborn there, when the lotus blooms, one hears the wondrous Dharma;

Then the practices and vows of the Ten Stages naturally manifest.


Entering the eternal realm of Nirvana in the Pure Land,

One thoroughly transcends all future worries.

In every moment of mindfulness in there, one attains realization;

The practices and vows of the Ten Stages naturally come to fruition.


I pray that more people will recite “Namo Amitabha Buddha,” relying on Amitabha’s Great Vow for support, and truly become “awakened beings” in this very life.

Namo Amitabha Buddha

≡The Diary of Master Jingben≡

⧉ 净土宗 Pure Land Buddhism ⧉

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