元宵团圆·极乐团圆 Lantern Festival Reunion • Ultimate Bliss Reunion









2025212 新加坡净土宗弥陀寺

English Translation:Lantern Festival Reunion • Ultimate Bliss Reunion


Early this morning, Amitabha Temple of Singapore’s Pure Land Buddhist school received an urgent request from a fellow practitioner, whose elderly father had passed away the previous night. He asked for assistance in reciting the Buddha’s name on his father’s behalf. I promptly led several dozen volunteers and practitioners to the site to chant the Buddha’s name for the departed. 

The Lantern Festival traditionally symbolizes family togetherness, yet for this family, it was overshadowed bIy the impermanence of separation between father and children. However, Amitabha Buddha’s great compassionate vow precisely serves to fulfill the deficiencies of all beings: leaning on Amitabha’s compassionate rescue, one’s loved ones and family may be eternally reunited in the Land of Ultimate Bliss. What might have been a cause for sorrow is, through the power of chanting, transformed into an opportunity for perfect fulfillment. 

During the Dharma assembly, an exhortation was given to the deceased, saying: 

“You have now journeyed to the Land of Ultimate Bliss, and you are simply going on ahead to await your family. Attaining rebirth there does not separate you from them; in fact, it allows for a future reunion.” 

This teaching resonates perfectly with the Lantern Festival’s symbolism of true and complete reunion.

Rejoice in the merit of all volunteers and fellow practitioners who devoted their time on the Lantern Festival to recite the Buddha’s name, working together so that this elderly individual could attain rebirth in the Pure Land. 

May all beings recite the Buddha’s name, And be reborn at life’s end in the Land of Ultimate Bliss; May families be forever reunited, In infinite light and life, mirroring the Great Vow Amitabha Buddha. 

We earnestly pray that this elderly father is born into the Pure Land, Reunited with the Compassionate Father Amitabha, Gathered in joy with the many Bodhisattvas in the Lotus Assembly. 

Namo Amitabha Buddha


Recorded by Venerable Jingping

February 12, 2025

Amitabha Temple, Singapore (Pure Land School)

⧉ 净土宗 Pure Land Buddhism ⧉

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