【过年团圆】Reunion at the New Year




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English Translation: Reunion at the New Year

During the New Year, every family reunites; children return to their parents’ side. We should also remember our “Dharma parents”—Amitabha Buddha—and our Bodhisattva siblings, Avalokitesvara (Guanyin) and Mahasthamaprapta. They are in the Land of Ultimate Bliss (Sukhavati), eagerly awaiting the day when we, the wandering “impoverished children” of the Saha world, return home to celebrate the New Year in the Pure Land.


We are still adrift here, so when we see people returning home to celebrate the New Year with their families, we should remember our own true home in the Western Pure Land. Let us look forward to reuniting with Amitabha, Avalokitesvara, Mahasthamaprapta, all together in perfect harmony. 

≡Excerpt from Venerable Jingzong’s New Year Teaching≡

⧉ 净土宗 Pure Land Buddhism ⧉

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