吉隆坡:外出关怀传授皈依(Visiting and Conducting Refuge Ceremony) ⎮ 2023.07.27

▪ 临时接到大众莲友申请外出提供念佛关怀服务。对象是其亲人(龚老菩萨),因身体欠安、免疫系统受损,但也因这段时间与佛亲近,因此决定皈依三宝。但龚先生体弱,无法亲自前来道场,因此家属透过友人来电询问,不知可否祈请师父登门传授。刚好下午无有活动,因此安排和义工们前往。
On this day, we received a request from a lay Buddhist to provide visiting and chanting services for their relative (Mr. Gong), who is in poor health with a weakened immune system. During this time, he has become close to Buddhism and has decided to take refuge in the Triple Gem. Due to his frailty, Mr. Gong couldn't come to the temple in person. So, his family reached out through a friend to inquire if it was possible for the master to visit him at home. As there was no activity in the afternoon, the visit was arranged.
▪ 老菩萨因兄弟姐妹都有接触佛法,尤其姐姐还是念佛人,所以虽然对佛法认识不多,但还是愿意亲近佛门。老人家一家人都是受英文教育,因此全程以英语和他们沟通。一见面,老人家表达不好意思,之前也没有前来过道场,现在让师父老远登门来访。我则说,相逢何必曾相识,总是与佛有缘,今日方因缘成熟。
All of Mr. Gong's siblings have been exposed to Buddhism, especially his sister, who is a Nianfo reciter. Though Mr. Gong has limited knowledge of Buddhism, he is willing to embrace it. The entire family has an English background, so we communicated in English throughout the visit. Upon meeting, Mr. Gong felt apologetic for not coming personally to the temple before and for inviting the master from afar. I reassured him, "Meeting doesn't require prior acquaintance; it is all about the affinity with Buddhism. Today, the conditions are ripe for us."
▪ 一开始先慰问老人家,为何想要皈依三宝?老人家说,希望得到佛门的“祝福”。回言:确实如此,皈依三宝即是等于成为佛子,定会得到弥陀护念。老人家也有表达一些顾虑,担心皈依后是否哪些会做不到。我安慰说:“不用担心,皈依如同孩子回家一样,那是无条件,是幸福的。只要愿意回家(皈依)就行,其他无须挂碍。”
To start the ball rolling, I expressed our concern and asked Mr. Gong why he wanted to take refuge in the Triple Gem. He replied, "I hope to receive the 'blessings' from Buddhism." I confirmed with "Indeed, taking refuge in the Triple Gem is equivalent to becoming a Buddha’s ‘child’, and you will surely receive Amitabha's protection." Mr. Gong also expressed some concerns about what he might not be able to fulfill after taking refuge. I comforted him, saying, "There's no need to worry. Taking refuge is like a child returning home, and it comes with unconditional happiness. As long as you are willing to come home (take refuge), there are no obstacles."
"So, what should I do after taking refuge?" Mr. Gong asked.
"After taking refuge, you can start by chanting the Buddha's name. Chanting of 'Namo Amituofo' can be integrated into your daily life, anytime and anywhere," I replied. Then I asked, "Mr. Gong, do you know the purpose of chanting the Buddha's name?"
"It's probably beneficial and brings blessings," he said.
"Yes, chanting Namo Amituofo has tremendous benefits. In this present life, it can help ward off calamities and lessen suffering in times of illness if any. When our time is up, the compassionate Amitabha Buddha will guide us to the Pure Land."
Mr. Gong curiously asked, "What is the Pure Land like?"
"In simple terms, it is a world of pure bliss, without any suffering. That's why it's called the Land of Ultimate Bliss. If you can't grasp it, you can try to understand it from our world. Though our world has moments of happiness, it coexists with suffering. However, Amitabha Buddha's Pure Land is different; it is a realm of pure happiness, free from any form of suffering, hence 'Land of Ultimate Bliss', the peak of supreme peace and happiness."
Mr. Gong nodded in understanding, saying, "That sounds truly wonderful. Happiness in this world is not complete."
Observing that many of his family members had migrated abroad, I added, "It's similar to migration; when your family members migrated, didn't they choose a good place?"
"Yes, they did," he replied.
"Exactly! Migration involves the process of selecting a favorable place, and the same applies to our next life, doesn't it? The Buddha teaches us that the best place for us is Amitabha Buddha's Pure Land."
After that, we guided Mr. Gong in chanting and conducted the refuge ceremony. He followed me in reciting the English refuge text. Finally, I granted him the refuge name "Fodu" (Buddha's Deliverance). In Buddhism, it's often said, "The Buddha's deliverance is for those with affinity," and Mr. Gong is undoubtedly one of Amitabha Buddha's destined ones. In this life, he surely will be delivered by Amitabha Buddha, thus earning the dharma name “Fodu" (Buddha's Deliverance). The entire family was happy for Mr. Gong, a truly blessed family with a strong connection to Buddhism.
May Amitabha Buddha bless Mr. Gong, alleviate his suffering, and bring peace to his body and mind. May he eventually be reborn in the Pure Land and attain complete enlightenment.
Notes by Master Jingben
|道场|淨土宗 吉隆坡总部
|地址|57, Jln 18, Desa Jaya, Kepong, 52100 KL.
|联系|+6019-4848 123
净土宗 Pure Land Buddhism
▪ 总主持:净本法师
▪ 马来西亚:+6019-4848 123
▪ 新加坡:+65-8818 4848
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