外出弘法@雪兰莪Rawang ⎮ 2023.08.19


Invited for Dharma Propagation and Leading the Rite at Buddhist Society - Rawang, Selangor
|日期|2023.08.19 (六)


In response to an invitation from the Buddhist Persatuan at Rawang(during the occasion of the Ullambana Festival), Venerable Master Jingben, accompanied by Master Jingping and several dedicated volunteers, journeyed to lead the Rite of deliverance and engage in the Dharma propagation event. The theme of this session was focused on the compassion of Amitabha for all beings. Master highlighted that the practice of reciting Namo Amituofo not only ensures rebirth in the Pure Land but also brings about immediate benefits in this worldly life, such as protection for loved ones and the alleviation of hardships etc.


The buddhist attendees, with their deep-rooted virtuous intentions, have steadfastly engaged in the practice of recitation over the years, thus their enthusiasm for learning about the Amitabha Dharma was profoundly evident. After the event, we learned that during the pandemic period up to the present day, they have actively participated in online sessions of recitation listening to teachings organized by us nearly every evening. They have also encouraged friends and family to join in the online session. Furthermore, during this event, we also brought along Pure Land tradition books, Namo Amituofo amulets, recitation devices, and other items, all of which were given to the attendees at no cost.


We extend our heartfelt appreciation for the invitation to this Buddhist gathering and hold deep respect for the diligent preparations and arrangements made by the president and the fellow practitioners. With sincere aspirations, may the compassionate blessings of Amitabha will envelop all the attendees of this Dharma event, empowering them to continue their practice of recitation with a tranquil mind, ensuring a shared rebirth in the Pure Land, and collectively realizing the path to Buddhahood.






净土宗 Pure Land Buddhism
▪ 总主持:净本法师
▪ 马来西亚:+6019-4848 123
▪ 新加坡:+65-8818 4848
▪ 网站:https://www.plb-sea.org
▪ Youtube:https://www.youtube.com/@plb18


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