Purpose of Buddhism

What is the purpose of Buddhism?  

To put it briefly, although Buddhism is philosophically profound and contains broad knowledge of the world, it also teaches great compassion, mercy, and the practice of various charitable acts. However, these are only parts of Buddhism, not the purpose of Buddhism.   

Regardless of how much we talk about the mystery, or how many good deeds we accomplish, our understanding of Buddhism isn't truly complete if we ignore the importance of ending the cycle of birth and death—which means to eliminate all sufferings and obtain eternal happiness. 

As ordinary people, we possess the Buddha nature, but this nature is buried by defilements and karma. So, no matter how much we rely on self-power, our Buddha nature could never be fully awakened. 

Buddhist schools of the sacred path talk about the ultimate truth (Tathatā) or Buddha nature, and emphasize self-power cultivation to achieve enlightenment in the present life. But this is not the case with the Pristine Pure Land school. In this school, we rely on the power of Amitabha to achieve rebirth in the Pure Land and, ultimately, attain Buddhahood. (Master Huijing)








The Six Realms Have No Peace, Only Countless Sufferings.

