Amitabha Buddha’s golden light engulfed dad’s whole being


Jarrod Li, written on 10-5-2021


Dear Venerable Jing Ben, I am writing this letter to share with you an experience I had. My name is Jarrod Li. I am from Pingtung, Taiwan, and I am 57 years old. In 1989, after I graduated from National Taiwan University, I went to the United States to pursue my master's degree. Later, I got married to an American and settled down in the United States. I am currently in Shanghai, managing a branch of a German-based company. Usually, I would go back to the United States in July and December of the year for a holiday and head back to Taiwan for the Chinese New Year.

🔸From [Uneasy] to [At ease]

I am grateful that Venerable Master Jing Ben has consistently shared Pure Land teachings on online platforms for the past few years.

Although I got to know of Buddhism in the United States back in 1999, I also got to know of the Pure Land teachings (I have been keeping up with my recitations and have stuck to a vegetarian diet for several years), yet, I still cannot be at ease. The Pure land teachings that I came across taught me that rebirth in Pure Land is difficult: 'Have to achieve deep concentration of single-mindedness that is free of defilements,’ 'if the mind is full of defilements, all recitations would go in vain,’ 'have to achieve the state where every thought of mine is about 'Namo Amituofo' recitation to get assurance of rebirth in Pure Land... After knowing these conditions, I felt that I have no hope of achieving rebirth in Pure Land in my lifetime. So, all along, I have had no confidence and because of my lack of confidence for rebirth, I added other practices such as chanting other mantras to make myself feel better.

Until one day, I came across Venerable Master Jing Ben's teachings on Youtube. Master Jing Ben always emphasizes that the practice of reciting 'Namo Amituofo' is the 'Easy Path'. The 'Easy Path' is about relying on Amitabha's power for rebirth. All rebirths in Pure Land are the results of Amitabha's great vows. After listening to these teachings, and looking back at what I have learned, I was enlightened to the differences between the Sacred Path (other schools’ teachings) and the Pure Land path (Pure Land school’s teachings). I was illuminated to the fact that gaining rebirth in Pure land is all about relying on the power of Amitabha's vow! It has nothing to do with our self-cultivation power. So, my previous understanding that ‘only recitation with a pure mind is counted’ is not true. In fact, every single recitation regardless of the state of mind will not go in vain. Reciting 'Namo Amituofo' and gaining rebirth in the Pure Land is so simple and easy.

Later, through Master Jing Ben's recommendation, I listened to Venerable Master Jing Zong's teachings. That was how I learned about Great Master Shan Dao's Pure Land teachings [Note: Great Master Shan Dao is de factor founder of Pure Land Buddhism]. This has strengthened my will on 'Namo Amituofo' recitation and also makes me feel at ease with my recitation.

From then on, I have dropped all the other practices and focus solely on reciting 'Namo Amituofo'. I felt so blessed and joyful that I have chanced upon Master Jing Ben, expounding of Great Master Shan Dao's Pure Land teachings.

🔸Dad passed on and 'Namo Amituofo' recitation

I also wish to share an account related to my dad's gaining rebirth in the Pure Land. My dad  passed away in 2017. His age was 90 years old. My dad had severe dementia because of his old age. As I lived abroad most of the time, we sent him to an old-folks home in Pingtung, Taiwan so he could have a safe and conducive environment. My young brother lived in the same area and therefore would visit and look after my father there.

My dad passed away on a Monday midnight at around 3 to 4 A.M. I was in Shanghai. Once I was alerted to my dad's passing, I immediately flew back to Pingtung, Taiwan. On Tuesday, my wife headed back to Pingtung from the United States as well. As my brother and sister do not have any Buddhist friends, they could not engage any assisted recitation group to recite for our dad. Of course, there was also a lack of Buddhist guidance for my dad. So, upon my dad's passing, my brother engaged a funeral parlor to arrange for my dad's funeral. My dad's body was stored in a refrigerated coffin and transferred to the mourning hall at Pingtung.

While I was on a plane heading back to Taiwan, I was reciting 'Namo Amituofo' until I reached the mourning hall. My brother was busy with all the funeral arrangements. My sister and brother-in-law were folding joss paper. When my wife arrived, she joined me to recite 'Namo Amituofo' for my dad. As my wife is an American, her proficiency in mandarin was the bare minimum. She is a Catholic as well. Ever since she got married to me, she was willing to learn to recite 'Namo Amituofo' from me, and she only knows how to recite 'Namo Amituofo'. I told my brother and sister to join us in the recitation of 'Namo Amituofo' for our dad as well. We recited 'Namo Amituofo' for our dad in the morning and head back home for lunch. After lunch, we headed back to the mourning hall again to continue with the recitation until the evening before heading home.

🔸Saw dad got saved by Amitabha

In this manner, my wife and I recited 'Namo Amituofo' for our dad. On the fifth day of my dad's funeral, my wife suddenly cried while reciting 'Namo Amituofo.’ She kept paying respect by bowing down towards the direction of my dad's body while intermittently turning her head back at me. I was clueless about her actions and continued with my recitation. Later, unable to suppress herself, my wife ran out of the mourning hall and cried loudly.

Later, I asked her: "Did something happen inside the mourning hall? Why were you so agitated?"

My wife replied: "Did you see anything just now?"

I said: "No, I saw nothing."

My wife then said: "While we were reciting earlier, I saw a gigantic golden-colored Buddha came from above from our dad's direction. So, I kept paying respect to Buddha by bowing down. That was why I turned my head back at you as I wanted to ask if you had also seen the Buddha."

My wife continued and said: "The Amitabha that came from above is golden-colored. Not long after, I also saw our dad standing right before Amitabha with golden light engulfing him. (My wife also said that father was in younger appearance). A moment later, our dad followed Amitabha and rose up and disappeared. That was why I could not hold myself any longer and went out of the hall to cry. "My wife is a Catholic and only knows about 'Namo Amituofo' recitation. Other than that, she knows nothing about Buddhism and does not know what to expect when one passes on. So, she could not have made this up herself. The only possibility is that what she said was the true account of what she saw.

Initially, I thought that there would be certain phenomena on the dead body to signify rebirth in the Pure Land, or there would be a lingering fragrance or appearance of a lotus flower. However, after listening to Master Jing Ben's teachings, I got to know that gaining rebirth in Pure Land is not about whether we observed any phenomena; Rebirth in Pure Land only depends on whether we have recited 'Namo Amituofo'. Rebirth is assured with recitation even though no other phenomenon is observed. Maybe not all beings reborn in Pure Land immediately during passing on, the recitation of 'Namo Amituofo' still works after death, Amitabha will still come and deliver them.

I gained comfort in Master Jing Ben's teachings. Before my dad's passing, he had been sick for seven or eight years, and he also contracted dementia in the later years. He did not come in touch with Buddhism teachings when he was young. And later, after he acquired dementia, he could not recognize people. When I called him from abroad, I got him to recite 'Namo Amituofo' just a few times. However, even with such conditions, Amitabha still came to deliver our dad to Pure Land just because we recited 'Namo Amituofo' during his funeral. So, no obstacles could stop the compassionate deliverance of Amitabha Buddha from saving us. This is inconceivable. 'Namo Amituofo' recitation is really the 'Easy Path'!

Grateful to Venerable Master Jing Ben's discourse and guidance. I wish to share this experience with you. 'Namo Amituofo'. (End)

🔸Master Jing Ben's commentary:

Amitabha said in the “Infinite Life Sutra”: Shall I become a Buddha, I shall be named ‘Namo Amituofo,’ all sentient beings who hear of my name, shall come to my Pure Land; All who come will have a golden body just like Buddha, complete and perfect appearance just like Buddha. With the great compassionate one arises in Pure Land, one will be able to benefits all other sentient beings.

Quoting the “Contemplation of Infinite Life Sutra”: Recite 'Namo Amituofo' can eliminate the evil karma that binds one to birth and death for eighty kotis of kalpas.

Therefore, all sentient beings, regardless of whether one is sage or a layperson, a heavenly being or human being, in the bad or good realm, shall one chance upon 'Namo Amituofo', all shall be saved equally.

In the above account, the person who gained rebirth is one who had dementia. His daughter-in-law, who assisted him to recite, is also a Catholic, and all she knows was to recite 'Namo Amituofo' only. Despite that, Amitabha still came to deliver him to Pure Land. This shows that there is no condition for Amitabha's deliverance. Among all the Buddhist practices, 'Namo Amituofo' recitation is the simplest and the most remarkable practice. May all sentient beings able to recite "Namo Amituofo" as early as possible and, be protected and delivered by Amitabha Buddha.

中文原稿:外国媳妇守灵念佛 公公蒙佛接引净土

李家榕 2021年5月10日 

尊敬的净本师父,来信是想要跟您分享我的一个经历。我的名字是李家榕(Jarrod Li),台湾屏东人,今年57岁。于台湾大学毕业后,1989年就到美国就读硕士;之后就在美国当地成家立业(太太是美国人)。目前是在上海管理德国分公司,通常在7月和12月会回到美国度假,而只有等到农历新年才会回到台湾过年。






🔸父亲去世 守灵念佛


父亲是星期一凌晨三四点过世的,当时我人在上海,一得到消息,立即搭机飞回屏东,太太则于星期二从美国飞回台湾。因为弟弟与妹妹没有认识的学佛莲友,当时也请不到助念团,所以也就没有安排任何助念,当然更没有善知识的临终开示。因此父亲往生的第一时间,弟弟即请礼仪公司,以他们所谓的「佛教礼仪」来为父亲进行后事的安排。父亲是在医院过世的,因为我们子女都希望能尽量让他减少痛苦,所以早已签立「放弃急救同意书」。 往生后,弟弟按礼仪公司的进行步骤,很快就进入冷藏棺中,放在屏东市殡仪馆所租的一处灵堂。















李家榕 2021年5月10日 述





The Benefits of ‘Namo Amituofo’ Recitation


疫情有感 [2021.06.09]