The Benefits of ‘Namo Amituofo’ Recitation


i) How Pure Land teachings benefit ourselves? 

The innumerable benefits can be grouped under two categories: those of our present and future lives.

There are eleven benefits in the present life:

1. Amitabha positions himself above our heads;

2. Protected by the Buddha’s light;

3. Supported by all the Buddhas;

4. Accompanied by Bodhisattvas;

5. Safeguarded by spirits;

6. Elimination of bad karma;

7. Accumulation of good fortune and wisdom;

8. Avoidance of disaster;

9. Longevity and health;

10. A good death;

11. Attainment of the karma of assurance

There are four benefits in the future life:

1. End of the reincarnation cycle;

2. Rebirth in the Pure Land;

3. Attainment of Buddhahood;

4. Comprehensive deliverance of sentient beings


The 15 kinds of benefit above were earnestly described by Shakyamuni Buddha. They are all true, with cases witnessed throughout the ages. Some people think that the Amitabha-recitation of the Pure Land school brings no benefits in our present lifetimes. That is a great misunderstanding.


ii) How Pure Land teachings benefit other people? 

All the benefits accruing to us can be obtained by others if we conscientiously recite ‘Namo Amituofo’ and dedicate the resulting merit to them. The subject is vast, so I will only cite a couple of examples. When parents recite, their children are spared calamity. If children and grandchildren recite, their deceased ancestors are delivered. 

Moreover, if we gain rebirth in the Pure Land, we will become Buddhas and deliver beings extensively. We benefit ourselves as well as others in a complete and perfect manner.


iii) How Pure Land teachings benefit our family, country and the world?

All the world’s conflicts, from the level of families and groups to that of societies and nations, arise from clashes of interest. They also result from our limited perspectives on this tiny planet, as well as the confinement of our thinking to this brief lifetime. As the saying goes, we “compete for advantage amid a spark from flint stones and fight for pre-eminence atop a snail’s tentacles.” 

If we can practice Amitabha-recitation, admire the Pure Land, we would be only too eager to avoid the five worldly desires. And the most serious problems that beset humankind today – nuclear weapons, regional wars, the energy crisis, environmental pollution, terrorism, violence, pornography and drugs – would vanish. 

As the Infinite Life Sutra says:

Wherever the Buddha goes there are no nations, towns or villages that are not transformed. The entire land is peaceful and harmonious, and the sun and moon shine brightly. The wind blows and the rains fall as they should, and calamities do not occur. The country is prosperous and the people feel secure. There is no need for soldiers or weapons. The people hold virtue and benevolence in high regard, and cultivate propriety and accommodation.

How inspiring! 

The Pure Land teachings can be practiced by everyone. Their practice brings full and practical benefits to self, others, family, nation and the world. (Master Jingzong)

Namo Amituofo.





















渔夫念佛 病人念佛


Amitabha Buddha’s golden light engulfed dad’s whole being