[Singapore 新加坡] A Family Under Amitabha’s Care: Sharing Devotion and Gratitude Worldwide 在阿弥陀佛的护佑下的大家庭:共享奉献与感恩

Over the years of serving as a volunteer at Singapore Pure Land Buddhist Amitabha Temple, I have had the privilege of experiencing profound growth and joy. When I first encountered Pure Land Buddhism, I felt deeply inspired and wanted to contribute by offering my services as a volunteer.


I began my journey in late 2021, when I was assigned cleaning duties due to the Covid-19 pandemic. Even though it was a simple task, I was genuinely happy to help maintain the temple’s cleanliness to the best of my ability. As time passed, the temple began to reopen its doors again following government guidelines, with mandatory mask-wearing in place. During this period in 2022, I had the honor of meeting Master Jing Ben and Master Jing Ping when I formally took refuge, which was an important milestone in my spiritual journey.
我在 2021 年年底正式开始这段旅程。当时由于新冠疫情,我被分配负责清洁工作。虽然这是一项相对简单的工作,但我依然非常乐意尽力维护寺院的整洁。随着时间推移,寺院在遵守政府规定、要求戴口罩的情况下逐步重新开放。正是在 2022 年期间,我在正式皈依时有幸见到了净本法师和净平法师,这对我的修行来说是一个重要的里程碑。


Through my volunteer work, I’ve taken on a variety of roles, including setting up chairs, taking photos and videos, leading nianfo sessions, assisting with tablet duties, participating in outdoor rites of deliverance, helping the Dharma Masters as needed, and so on. One of the most valuable lessons I've learned is the importance of teamwork in ensuring that Dharma sessions run smoothly and harmoniously.


Looking back, I can honestly say that volunteering at the temple has brought me a level of happiness I have never experienced before in my life. Being part of the Dharma family, alongside my fellow volunteers, has been truly enriching. We have grown close, supporting each other as one united family under the care of Amitabha Buddha. It is also deeply fulfilling to see the devotees who come to the temple to practise nianfo, and to know that we are all part of something much larger than ourselves.


Despite the challenges of not knowing Chinese and being Deaf, I have found that with determination, a shared goal, and teamwork, no obstacle is too great to overcome. I am also grateful for the endurance of my fellow volunteers and for the translation services that help bridge language barriers. We are all hands and feet of Amitabha Buddha.


I would like to express my heartfelt thanks to everyone at the temple for their patience and understanding. I hope I was able to assist whenever needed, and I am truly grateful for the opportunity to serve. I would also like to applaud the tireless and unwavering efforts of all the volunteers of Pure Land Buddhism around the world. I look forward to welcoming more volunteers at various centres who wish to join us in carrying out the noble work of Amitabha Buddha.


Namo Amituofo
Fo Sheng 佛生

⧉ 净土宗 Pure Land Buddhism ⧉

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