供养偈 | 结斋偈 Pre- & Post- Meal Gatha
仰蒙弥陀恩 惠赐此佳肴
谨以感恩心 恭敬欢喜受
Pre-Meal Gatha
By the grace of Amitabha Buddha
I am granted this wholesome meal.
I receive it with
Gratitude, respect and joy.
Namo Amitabha Buddha
饭食已讫 当愿众生
信佛念佛 得生极乐
Post-Meal Gatha
Having finished the meal,
I wish that sentient beings
Will have faith in Amitabba Buddha,
recite his name
And be reborn in the Land of Bliss.
Namo Amitabha Buddha
⧉ 净土宗 Pure Land Buddhism ⧉
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