2025年1月20日:【科技的监牢】The Prison of Technology


⧉ 今天道场的网络突然瘫痪,义工执事原本依赖线上作业的工作便被迫中断。











≡ 净本法师记录 ≡

English Translation: The Prison of Technology

Today, the dharma centre's internet suddenly went down, and the volunteers, who usually rely on online tools for their work, were forced to halt their tasks. 

In ordinary secular life, an internet outage would likely cause an even bigger impact, since modern people’s basic necessities—food, clothing, shelter, and transportation—are almost inseparable from the internet. From going to work and contacting family to leisure activities and getting around, everything is tightly connected to the internet. If you doubt it, try this experiment: go seven days without touching a phone, turning on a computer, or going online. Would you still be able to live comfortably? 

So, are we “using” technology, or is technology “using” us? I once heard a saying: in ancient times, people were locked up in prisons, but in modern times, they are “imprisoned” by technology. Technology has locked us into an invisible “prison”, making it impossible to break free. 

The Buddha once says: “Those who desire much will have much distress; those who desire little will have no such problems.” Indeed, this is true. That is why I often encourage our volunteers: unless it is needed for handling dharm affairs or study, minimize internet use as much as possible; avoid social media wherever you can, lest you become “poisoned” without even noticing it. 

It is said that nowadays there is even something called “internet addiction.” How is that different from drug addiction? This is a serious matter, and we have to approach it with caution. The more deluded the mundane world becomes, the clearer we as Buddhists must remain. 

So how can we avoid being locked in this “technological prison”? We can start from three aspects: 

  1. Recite the Buddha’s name (Nianfo).

  2. Listen to the Dharma.

  3. Aside from what is necessary for basic living, try not to use or rely on technology. 

An ancient saying goes: “The closer you draw to the Buddha, the farther you distance yourself from all sorts of worldly habits in the Saha world.” Therefore, apart from reciting the Buddha’s name, just keep reciting the Buddha’s name. It is time to use our phones less and recite the Buddha’s name more. 

Reciting the Buddha’s name can be called the “greatest technology.” With just one recitation, you are instantly connected to Amitabha Buddha in the Land of Ultimate Bliss, countless eons away; with just one recitation, the lotus meant for you in the Pure Land takes form. No matter how advanced worldly technology becomes, it cannot compare. May more beings turn to the “natural technology” of chanting the Buddha’s name and lessen their dependence on the “man-made technology” of this Saha world. 

Namo Amitabha Buddha. 

≡The Diary of Master Jingben≡

⧉ 净土宗 Pure Land Buddhism ⧉

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