2025年1月21日:【被人辱骂,该如何应对?】How to Respond When Insulted?
⧉ 前几天,在线上读书会中,有位莲友问道:「若被人辱骂,该怎么办?」
「世间谤我、欺我、辱我、笑我、轻我、贱我、恶我、骗我、 如何处治乎? 」
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English Translation: How to Respond When Insulted?
A few days ago, in an online study group, a fellow practitioner asked, “What should we do if someone insults us?”
I answered, “The best approach is simply not to engage with it.”
Of course, if we truly have offended the other person, we should offer a sincere apology. But if we’re insulted for no apparent reason, there’s no need to waste our emotional energy feeling hurt. Insults themselves carry strong negative energy—if we get drawn in, aren’t we doubling that negativity? That would be quite a loss.
As I often say, if someone throws their “trash” at you, it’s best not to pick it up. This reminds me of the famous exchange between Hanshan and Shide:
Hanshan once asked Shide:
“In this world, people slander me, deceive me, insult me, mock me, belittle me, despise me, hate me, and lie to me. How should I deal with it?”
Shide replied:
“Just bear it, yield to it, let it be, avoid it, endure it, respect it, pay it no mind. Then, after a few years, just look and see what happens.”
It’s worth noting that in Chinese, the character for “to insult” (骂) is formed by two “mouth” radicals. If only one person is hurling indiscriminate words, a true “insult” never really takes shape. As the ancient masters said, ignoring it is the best response—just like in a silent room where no sound can echo.
Even better, if someone insults you, respond with: “Namo Amitabha Buddha.” That way, any negative karma is dispelled. Who knows, the other person might even laugh: “How interesting this person is!”
All things considered, the Land of Ultimate Bliss is truly the best. As the Buddha said, “In that Buddha-land, there is not even the name of the bad realms,” and therefore no harsh words of any kind. In this Saha world, we can only try to avoid negativity for a while; but once we are reborn in the Pure Land, we will forever be free from unpleasant sounds.Namo Amitabha Buddha.
≡The Diary of Master Jingben≡
⧉ 净土宗 Pure Land Buddhism ⧉
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