2025年1月24日:【和阿弥陀佛有缘】Affinities with Amitabha Buddha
⧉ 今天应莲友之请,前往他孩子的新宅主持洒净并安奉佛像的仪式。孩子一家虽是年轻一代,却都具足善根,一同随喜念佛。年轻人还特别询问,家中何处供奉佛像最为理想。
≡ 净本法师记录 ≡
English Translation:
【Affinities with Amitabha Buddha】
Today, at the request of a fellow practitioner, I went to her child’s new residence to perform a purification ceremony and install a Buddha statue. Although the family is part of a younger generation, they possess excellent karmic roots and happily joined in the recitation of the Buddha’s name. They even asked specifically where in the house would be best to enshrine the Buddha statue.
During the ceremony, the daughter-in-law mentioned that while following everyone in circumambulating the Buddha and chanting, and while reading the passages of the dharma words, she was suddenly deeply moved. Tears streamed down her face, and she did not understand why she was so overwhelmed.
I told her, “It means you have an affinity with Amitabha Buddha.”
As stated in the Infinite Life Sutra:
“If there are men and women who hear the name of Amitabha Buddha and respond with a compassionate heart and rejoicing, for a time feeling uplifted and pure of mind, with their hair standing on end and tears flowing, these are people who practiced the Buddha’s path in their past lives.”
“If there are men and women who hear the Name of the Buddha of Infinite Life, and give rise to a moment of sincere faith, taking refuge and offering homage, you should know these people are regarded as foremost disciples.”
Indeed, if it weren’t for her affinity with Amitabha Buddha, how could we explain such profound emotion? I believe many people have had similar experiences or feelings.
Finally, I encouraged the whole family to gather daily to recite the Buddha’s name, so they may receive the Buddha’s protective power and enjoy safety and peace. This was precisely our intention in coming to the new home to install the Buddha statue: hoping to recreate the flourishing scene described by Great Master Shandao, of “Amitabha Buddha in every household.” We sincerely pray that in their pursuit of enlightenment, this family will deepen their faith in the Buddha, recite the Buddha’s name, and nurture their good roots ever more.
≡The Diary of Master Jingben≡
⧉ 净土宗 Pure Land Buddhism ⧉
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