






≡ 慧净法师新春开示 ≡

English Translation:

Some people ask: “Since Amitabha Buddha’s light is infinite and shines throughout the ten directions without obstruction, why can’t we see that radiance?”


The reason we cannot see it is that we are ordinary beings burdened by delusive afflictions. Our eyes are covered by these afflictions. However, as the ancient masters have said:


“Even though our eyes are obstructed by afflictions and thus cannot see,

The Buddha’s great compassion never tires and constantly shines upon us.”


In other words, we ordinary beings only have physical eyes clouded by karmic obstacles; we do not possess the Dharma-eye, the wisdom-eye, nor even the celestial eye. But Amitabha Buddha does not stop protecting us simply because we are unable to see him. His light always protects and embraces us all the same.


It is like a child who was born blind and cannot see his parents. The parents, feeling even greater compassion for their child, protect him wherever he goes, whether right before his eyes or close by his side. Although the child cannot see them, loving parents will never abandon him, allowing him to feel safe and free from fear. Likewise, although our eyes are veiled by afflictions and cannot perceive the Buddha’s radiance, Amitabha Buddha’s light never forsakes us.


≡Excerpt from Venerable Huijing’s New Year Teaching≡

| 慧净法师开示

⧉ 净土宗 Pure Land Buddhism ⧉

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