读书研讨会:《善导大师的净土思想》第10堂 Pure Land Buddhist Study Group ⎮ 2023.08.23
|日期|2023.08.23 (三)
🙏近几个月来,净本法师每个星期已在马来西亚、新加坡道场内部连线给予执事举办净土宗读书会上课,细细研讨净土宗教理。目前已经进行到第十堂课(持续中),所有的录影内容将会尽快进行编辑并发布,敬请期待。In the past few months, Venerable Jingben has conducted internal Pure Land Buddhism series book study sessions for long-term service members of dharma centres in Malaysia and Singapore, meticulously delving into the teachings of Pure Land Buddhism. Currently, the sessions have progressed to the tenth lesson, and all video recordings will be edited and released as soon as possible.
净土宗 Pure Land Buddhism
▪ 总主持:净本法师
▪ 马来西亚:+6019-4848 123
▪ 新加坡:+65-8818 4848
▪ 网站:https://www.plb-sea.org
▪ Youtube:https://www.youtube.com/@plb18