新山分会:2023年中元念佛法会 Zhong Yuan-Rite of Deliverance ⎮ 2023.08.26(六)


2023年8月26日,新山净土宗弘愿念佛会迎来了一场深具意义的活动 —— “2023年中元念佛超荐法会”。由净本法师主法,近百名虔诚的大众汇聚于此,共同参与这场殊胜的法会。

On August 26, 2023, the Johor Bahru Branch-Pure Land Buddhism held a significant event – the "2023 Zhong Yuan Rite of Deliverance." Led by Venerable Jingben, nearly hundred devout participants gathered to take part in this auspicious assembly.


The venerable master elaborated on the profound truth of life's impermanence and emphasized the importance of early recitation of Namo Amituofo. He highlighted to the attendees that by chanting the Buddha's name, we could not only dissolve karmic obstacles but also facilitate the transference of merit to deceased loved ones, guiding them towards rebirth in the Pure Land.


The entire assembly lasted for two hours, during which the participants devoted themselves wholeheartedly. They actively engaged in chanting, reciting the "Rite of Delivenrance" and attentively listened to the master's teachings. Both the resonance of the Namo Amituofo chanting and the ambiance of collective scripture recitation showcased the participants' profound pursuit of faith.


Through this assembly, the followers gained a deeper understanding of the inner significance of chanting "Namo Amituofo" and realized the compassionate power of Amitabha Buddha's salvation. Whether through personal faith experiences or contemplation of life's value, the impact of this assembly will continue to resonate deeply within each participant. With sincere gratitude, participants chanted "Namo Amituofo" from the depths of their hearts, transforming their feelings of thankfulness into devout aspirations.


This unforgettable assembly will undoubtedly become a precious treasure for the participants on their learning Buddhist path, motivating them to practice "Namo Amituofo" chanting in their daily lives and experience the boundless compassion and luminous brightness of Amitabha Buddha's universal salvation.

|道场|淨土宗 新山 弘願念佛會
|地址|17, Jln Anggerik 42, Tmn Johor Jaya 81100 JB.
|联系|+6019-481 1848



净土宗 Pure Land Buddhism
▪ 总主持:净本法师
▪ 马来西亚:+6019-4848 123
▪ 新加坡:+65-8818 4848
▪ 网站:https://www.plb-sea.org
▪ Youtube:https://www.youtube.com/@plb18


新加坡弥陀寺:2023年中元念佛法会 Zhong Yuan-Rite of Deliverance ⎮ 2023.08.27(日)


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